Requiring users to log in with KaseyaOne

The Require Log In with KaseyaOne feature forces users to login with their KaseyaOne credentials to access BullPhish ID. When the feature is enabled by an organization, users can no longer log into BullPhish ID locally with their BullPhish ID credentials.

Enabling the Require Log In with KaseyaOne feature allows users to authenticate with their KaseyaOne modules using just one set of credentials. This provides a smoother user experience and increased security.


  • You must be a partner administrator for both BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne.
  • You must have login credentials for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne.
  • You must have the same email address for BullPhish ID and KaseyaOne accounts.
  • Before the Require Log In with KaseyaOne feature can be enabled, the Enable Log In with KaseyaOne toggle must be activated. For more information, see the article Enabling KaseyaOne Unified Login for your BullPhish ID Organization.

Require Log In with KaseyaOne feature

When you have enabled KaseyaOne Unified Login for your organization, you can enable the Require Log In with KaseyaOne feature on the Settings page.

When Require Log In with KaseyaOne is enabled, all of your users are required to log into to their KaseyaOne accounts to access BullPhish ID. Users will no longer be able to log into BullPhish ID with their BullPhish ID credentials.

However, you can select users to whom you want to provide an exception for this requirement. The selected users will be able to log into BullPhish ID with their BullPhish ID credentials while still having the option to log in using the KaseyaOne login method. For more information, see the section User Exceptions.

How to...